(Reviewed 2024)

  1. The Rules of Tennis: “The Code” shall be in effect for all League matches.
    1. Unsportsmanlike like conduct of any manner will not be tolerated. A grievance may be filed against the player or team involved.
    2. Only players are allowed on the court during a match. Players should leave the courts immediately after their match.
  2. Roster Information
    1. Roster limits for all 18 and over and 40 and over leagues will be a maximum of 18 players.  Roster limits for 55 and over and all mixed and combo leagues will be a maximum of 14 players.
    2. Player registration will remain open for a period of four weeks following the team registration deadline for each season of play.
    3. After the registration deadline date, players may be added to a roster in the event of death, major illness, disqualification, season ending injury, or moving in or out of boundaries with the approval of the Adult League Committee.
    4. At least 25% of the players on a roster must be residents of the state of Georgia.
  3. Captain’s responsibilities:
    1. Initiate exchange of scorecards 10 minutes prior to match time.
    2. Home team – Supply balls for the match. TENNIS BALLS MUST BE USTA APPROVED.
    3. Verify scores and make sure each card is identical.
    4. Ensure that all team members and spectators follow the rules of sportsmanship.
    5. Attendance by Captain or representative from team is mandatory at Captain’s meeting in order to pick up packet and schedule. Any consequence that results from non-attendance at the captain’s meeting is that team’s responsibility.
    6. Both captains are responsible for entering scores into the TennisLink system within 48 hours of the completion of the match as scheduled in TennisLink. First offense will result in a warning and a 12 hour limit to enter scores before a double default is issued for both teams.  Subsequent failure to enter scores within the 48 hour time frame will result in an automatic double default for both teams. Notify the Local League Coordinator immediately if there is a delay in completing the match. Captains have 48 hours from score entry to confirm or dispute the match scores.
    7. Email and use of the CVTA website,, will be the main source of communication with captains.
  4. Matches will begin at the scheduled times as posted on TennisLink, website, and Rome Tennis Center. Teams should be ready to go on the courts by match time. Warm-up is limited to 10 minutes.
    1. 18 and over format will consist of 2 Singles and 3 Doubles for levels 3.0 – 4.5
    2. 40 and over format will consist of 1 Singles and 3 Doubles for levels 3.0 – 4.5
    3. 18 and over and 40 and over format will consist of 1 Singles and 2 Doubles for levels 2.0 – 2.5
    4. 55 and over and all Combo and Mixed leagues format will consist of 3 Doubles at all levels.
    5. All matches will be 2 out of 3 sets with a 10 point match tie-breaker used to determine the winner of the third set. (The winner of the tie-breaker is the first team to ten points by a margin of two points – ex. 10-8 or 12-10.) A set tie-breaker will be played at six games all in the first two sets. (First team to seven by a margin of two points – ex, 7-6, 9-7.)
    6. The Coman tiebreak format will be used for all matches.
    7. A team must have a minimum of 4 eligible players (3 players for 2.0 – 2.5) for match play each week.
    8. A full team forfeit occurs when a team cannot legally field the minimum number of positions (as defined in the previous point). Teams who do a full team forfeit may have a grievance filed against them. Forfeits shall be determined in the following order:
      1. The No. 2 singles must be forfeited before the No. 1 singles.
      2. The No. 3 doubles must be forfeited before the No. 2 doubles.
      3. If only four players are available, then both lines of singles and No. 1 doubles must be played.
      4. 2.0 – 2.5 teams may forfeit No. 1 Singles or No. 2 Doubles.
    9. A 15 minute default rule will apply in all leagues.  Warm ups must be completed and matches must start within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time.  A late player is not an excuse to extend the warm up period.  In the event of illness, injury, or no-show of a player prior to the start of an individual match (after the line-up has been exchanged), a team may substitute a player in the affected position WITHIN the default time, AS LONG AS THAT PLAYER WAS NOT ALREADY LISTED ON THE CARD. If no substitution can be made, the affected position will be defaulted. THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS A FORFEIT. If the No. 1 singles player gets injured or does not show on time, then that position is defaulted. A forfeit indicates prior knowledge that a team does not have sufficient players for the match. A team with only six players might forfeit either the No. 3 doubles or both singles. A ten-minute warm-up is allowed for all players – even those arriving at default time.
    10. Where matches of the same level are scheduled back to back and/or on any Super Saturday, players have 30 minutes from the end of their match to report to their second match, with no default allowed. The captain of the team should notify the opposing team under these circumstances.
  5. Weather conditions-Matches not played due to bad weather will be decided by the captains for the make-up match time. Weather delayed matches must be made up within 14 days from original match date. Captains must set a date and email LLC within 48 hours from original match time. Captains have two choices; they can set a day for the whole match, or they can exchange lineups and play by individual lines. Last matches of season will be rescheduled by the LLC. Captains may only call off matches due to rain when courts are too wet and cannot by dried. If possible, a decision on whether to call off a match should be made 1 hour prior to match time.  If courts are dryable, both teams must squeegee courts. Failure to do so will result in forfeit of team not participating.
    1. Inclement weather is defined as precipitation or severe weather temperatures 95 degrees or above, below 30 degrees, or wind-chill of 25 degrees or below as determined by the Weather Channel. Heat index is not a factor in determining temperature.
    2. A half-hour delay from the scheduled start time for the team match is to be observed at all times in order for weather conditions to improve. This includes make up matches. If within 30 minutes conditions improve or the temperature rises to at least 30 degrees or falls to 95 degrees or below, the match is to begin and all positions are to play.
    3. If a team match is cancelled due to inclement weather any forfeits awarded in advance may now be played.
    4. In the event inclement weather occurs after the team match has begun, a 30 minute wait to resume play is to be observed. If play cannot be continued:
      1. Completed individual matches stand as played.
      2. Points awarded for forfeits given at the time the original written lineup was exchanged are considered completed matches. Players listed on the lineup involved in forfeits cannot participate in a re-scheduled match.
      3. Individual matches in progress must be made up and resumed by the same players at the exact set, game, and point that existed when play was halted.
    5. In the event the temperature drops below 30, rises above 95, or the wind chill drops below 25 after the team match has begun, individual matches in progress must continue play to completion.
    6. Once a time, day, and location for a rainout makeup match have been agreed upon by the parties involved, that match MAY ONLY BE CANCELLED OR RESCHEDULED due to inclement weather or an extreme, extenuating circumstance. This will be determined by the Adult League Committee Chairperson and/or Local League coordinator.
    7. In the event that lights do not come on and a match cannot be played, the match will be treated as a rain-out. The home captain should notify the Rome Tennis Center and the League Coordinator ASAP.
  6. Any team with players involved in a USTA League Tennis State, Sectional, or National Championship that qualified from a CVTA league, regardless of the league, may reschedule lines for players at the tournament with the opposing team. The opposing captain must be informed of a rescheduling at least 48 hours before match time. Opposing teams are required to reschedule under this circumstance. Match must be made up within two weeks of the original scheduled match date. This make up match date must be agreed upon by both captains.
  7. State Tournament and Wild Card Qualifications:
    1. The winning team from each season qualifies. If the same team wins both seasons, the 2nd place team for the appropriate season qualifies. (Example: The same team wins both seasons and takes the spring team, then the 2nd place team must come from the fall season.)
    2. Wild Cards will be given to the next best team in the appropriate level based on highest winning percentage.
    3. The league coordinator will contact teams eligible for consideration in this matter.
    4. Wild Card teams will be responsible for paying their own state tournament entry fees.
  8. Cell Phones – If a player’s cell phone rings during a match, the point being played shall be awarded to the opposing team.
  9. Teams that have a full team forfeit may (at the discretion of the Georgia Adult League Committee) have all of their matches forfeited, and be removed from the league.  Coosa Valley Tennis Association will not be allowed to decide whether the team is removed from the league.
  10. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed on court.

11.  Any player using CVTA league play as an excuse to play for free at a facility, but is not actually playing a league match will have a USTA Sportsmanship grievance filed against them.

12.  A $30 deposit will be charged for filing a grievance.  If the grievance is upheld, the deposit will be refunded.  If the grievance is found to be invalid, the deposit will be kept by CVTA.

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